THESIS KPI Guidance Tool
TSC’s KPI Guidance website and database showcases guidance resources and links for help answering THESIS product assessments. TSC’s science-based methodology covers 350+ consumer products, or about 90% of all products produced that can be purchased from a retail store in-person or online.
Our KPI guidance is collected, analyzed and refreshed by our excellence research team. Each database below will let you search by assessment or KPI, and then access helpful guidance and links to help you answer THESIS assessment KPIs. You can use the search filters or the general search box to find what you need. Unsure of what product THESIS covers? Visit our ProductFinder tool to search.

Our products have been split into the following sectors:
- Clothing, Footwear, and Textiles
- Electronics
- Food, Beverage, and Agriculture
- General Merchandise
- Home and Personal Care
- Packaging
- Paper, Pulp, and Forestry
- Specialty KPIs
- Toys
Clothing, Footwear, and Textiles
Food, Beverage, and Agriculture
General Merchandise
Home and Personal Care
Paper, Pulp, and Forestry
Specialty KPIs
Are you a supplier looking for THESIS assessments? Head over to Sphera Supply Chain Sustainability, formerly known as SupplyShift:
Our 100+ members are represented by corporations, non-profits, and academic institutions from around the globe.
Members are the foundation of TSC. We work with these organizations to translate complex sustainability issues into innovation and actionable outcomes for the consumer goods industry.