The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) is a global organization transforming the consumer goods industry to deliver more sustainable consumer products. We work to enable a world where people can lead fulfilled lives in a way that decouples their impacts on people and the planet.
TSC Report Shows Companies with Science-Based Targets More Likely to Improve Sustainability of Consumer Product Supply Chains
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Please Welcome Dr. Stella Papasavva, Measurement Science Manager
The Sustainability Consortium is pleased to welcome Dr. Stella Papasavva as our new Manager for the Measurement Sciences Working Group. Dr. Papasavva will lead the...
Bloomberg – The Race to Decide Who’s Greenest
This article on Bloomberg Businessweek outlines some of the reasons why retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers need a standardized measurement and reporting system to...
Posted: Presentations from TSC’s European Office Grand Opening at Wageningen
Tuesday 8 November was the official launch of the European branch of The Sustainability Consortium (TSC). Presenters included representatives from TSC, Wageningen UR,...
TSC Workshop in Japan
“The Sustainability Consortium: Science to Improve Consumer Product Sustainability” Thursday January 26, 2012 -- Tokyo, Japan This seminar will provide an overview of...
The Sustainability Consortium: A Global Approach to Improving Consumer Products
View Larger Video Learn about how The Sustainability Consortium is working with corporations, academics, NGOs, and governments around the globe to create science and...
Princess Máxima Opens European Branch of World-Wide Sustainability Consortium
See photo album Tuesday 8 November was the official launch of the European branch of The Sustainability Consortium (TSC). HRH Princess Máxima of the Netherlands took...
TSC Climate Commitment
The Sustainability Consortium is housed within two leading research universities, each with ambitious climate goals. Operating within these universities, TSC is not separate from these goals and actively works to support our universities in achieving net zero and net positive emissions. TSC has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 91% in the last 10 years by reducing travel and events, eliminating commutes and offices, and other energy savings. TSC is committed to managing its impact and supporting our members to achieve their climate goals with metrics, innovation, and research.