The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) is a global organization transforming the consumer goods industry to deliver more sustainable consumer products. We work to enable a world where people can lead fulfilled lives in a way that decouples their impacts on people and the planet.
TSC Report Shows Companies with Science-Based Targets More Likely to Improve Sustainability of Consumer Product Supply Chains
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Draft Social SPIs Created by Social Metrics Committee
The social metrics committee, under the leadership of Catherine Benoit and her team, has drafted 6 initial Social Sustainability Performance Indicators (SPI) to be...
GP: A Forest Comes Full Circle
As a forest products company that doesn't own any forests, Georgia-Pacific supports and promotes sustainable forestry by working directly with landowners like the Jones...
Cargill Begins Offering Certified Sustainable Palm Oil to North American Food Manufacturers
Cargill announced that it is now offering palm oil certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) to North American food manufacturers. Read More
The Coca-Cola Foundation Awards $27 Million to 65 Sustainable Community Initiatives Worldwide
The Coca-Cola Foundation, the philanthropic arm of The Coca-Cola Company, announced today grants totaling $20 million to support 65 organizations in the United States...
PepsiCo Canada Named Top 50 Socially Responsible Company in Canada by Maclean’s Magazine
PepsiCo Canada today was named by Maclean's magazine as one of the country's top 50 socially responsible companies, according to Jantzi-Sustainalytics, a global leader...
Dairy Industry Receives $1.1 Million from USDA to Help Farmers Measure and Communicate Stewardship
It was announced a $1.1 million Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) to the Dairy Research Institute™ (formerly known as Dairy Science Institute, Inc.), an affiliate of...
TSC Climate Commitment
The Sustainability Consortium is housed within two leading research universities, each with ambitious climate goals. Operating within these universities, TSC is not separate from these goals and actively works to support our universities in achieving net zero and net positive emissions. TSC has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 91% in the last 10 years by reducing travel and events, eliminating commutes and offices, and other energy savings. TSC is committed to managing its impact and supporting our members to achieve their climate goals with metrics, innovation, and research.