ESWG Welcomes Margot Hutchins to the Research Team

The Electronics Sector welcomes the addition of post doctoral researcher Margot Hutchins as part of the team at UC Berkeley. Margot joins the team the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), where she most recently worked on...

Draft Social SPIs Created by Social Metrics Committee

The social metrics committee, under the leadership of Catherine Benoit and her team, has drafted 6 initial Social Sustainability Performance Indicators (SPI) to be applied across all Consortium sectors. The draft SPIs are based on previous work done by Ms. Benoit and...

Home & Personal Care Sector: Research and Deliverables

Research: The Home and Personal Care Sector completes Social Scoping Report for their three product prototypes (Laundry Detergents, Shampoo and Surface Cleaning). Each report provides and overview of the potential social risks related to the supply chains that back...

The Sustainability Consortium Welcomes Lou Molinari

Louis “Lou” Molinari has been named Electronics Sector Manager for The Sustainability Consortium. Formerly the president of OLM Consulting Group, Lou has offered his consulting expertise in the areas of strategic planning, process improvement methods, contract...