Food, Beverage & Agriculture Sector Updates

Level 2 SMRS Prototype Ballots The Food, Beverage & Agriculture Sector has moved the PCLCA and PCR prototype documents for the three product categories to the next stage of the Level 2 SMRS process; external review panel. Everyone, the Product Committees,...

Food, Beverage & Agriculture Sector Updates

We’ve been busy at work moving the Level 2 SMRS process forward. Here’s an update on recent activity in the working group: Prototype Voting Balloting is underway on all three of the FB&A Sector prototype categories. Members: please give your feedback...

Food, Beverage & Agriculture Prototype PCRs and PCLAs

The FBA Group is sending out the prototype Product Category Rules (PCRs) and Product Category Life Cycle Assessments (PCLCAs) as they are completed. Wheat cereal will go to the FBA Sector and participants on July 1st for review and vote. The group will also send out...

Update From the Food, Beverage & Agriculture Sector

The FB&A Sector Product Committees have drafted the PCR and the BLM for orange juice, strawberry yogurt, and wheat cereal. They are open for review by the full FB&A Sector on Workspace through June 10. Please post your comments within Workspace. In addition,...