The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) is a global organization transforming the consumer goods industry to deliver more sustainable consumer products. We work to enable a world where people can lead fulfilled lives in a way that decouples their impacts on people and the planet.
TSC Report Shows Companies with Science-Based Targets More Likely to Improve Sustainability of Consumer Product Supply Chains
TSC members get invaluable access to tools and opportunities that enable organizations to succeed and lead in worldwide sustainability initiatives.
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Read more about TSC in action with our use-case studies with members and partners.
Free Online Toolbox Educates Textile Industry on Wastewater
Article by PRINTWEAR A TSC-member task force of leaders in the textile industry created the toolbox, including HanesBrands, Fruit of the Loom, Walmart, NC State, Cotton...
Here’s A New Tool To Tackle Textile Wastewater Issue!
Article from Apparel Resources Wastewater 101 is the new tool box that will help the textile industry players understand the cause, impact and treatment of...
Wastewater Toolbox Launched to Help Textile Industry Improve Wastewater Footprint
Free resource aims to help the textile industry reduce wastewater issues in textile manufacturing. SCOTTSDALE, AZ, November 7, 2019 – The Sustainability...
Can Retailers Play a Role in Ending Cocoa-Related Deforestation?
Article from Confectionery News The newly-formed Retailer Cocoa Collaboration strongly supports CFI and the Frameworks for Action as a landmark multi-stakeholder...
Driving Conscious Capitalism – Podcast
Podcast by Walton Biz Talk Companies have the opportunity to enact major change to improve sustainability on a global scale. Dr. Sarah E. Lewis, Senior Director of...
TSC Impact Report shows strong improvement in sustainability performance since 2016
The 2019 Impact Report of The Sustainability Consortium's (TSC) performance of consumer products worldwide, shows an impressive 30.5% improvement from the baseline year...
TSC Climate Commitment
The Sustainability Consortium is housed within two leading research universities, each with ambitious climate goals. Operating within these universities, TSC is not separate from these goals and actively works to support our universities in achieving net zero and net positive emissions. TSC has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 91% in the last 10 years by reducing travel and events, eliminating commutes and offices, and other energy savings. TSC is committed to managing its impact and supporting our members to achieve their climate goals with metrics, innovation, and research.