by TSC Webmaster | Feb 26, 2016 | News
Press Release LEI Wageningen UR February 23, 2016 The tool developed by The Sustainability Consortium (TSC), a global initiative to improve the sustainability of consumer products, is a valuable tool to improve the sustainability of Dutch consumer products. This was...
by TSC Webmaster | May 8, 2015 | News
Today, the Walmart Foundation announced an $875,000 grant to The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) to expand their recent efforts to support Chinese businesses in identifying and capturing sustainability improvement opportunities in Chinese product supply chains. This...
by TSC Webmaster | Dec 8, 2014 | News
By Tim Greiner Sustainable Brands December 5, 2014 A whopping 97 percent of environmental impacts in the retail sector come from the product itself — from raw materials, transportation and product manufacturing. With impacts so heavily weighted in the supply chain,...
by TSC Webmaster | Dec 4, 2014 | News
By Christine Esposito Associate Editor HAPPI Happi interviewed Sarah E. Lewis, Ph.D., managing director, research and integration at The Sustainability Consortium, which has more than 90 members including respected players in household and personal care, such as...
by TSC Webmaster | Dec 1, 2014 | News
Sheila Bonini, CEO of The Sustainability Consortium. Joel Makower GreenBiz December 1, 2014 Two months ago, Sheila Bonini became the third chief executive of The Sustainability Consortium, a 5-year-old membership group comprising consumer packaged goods companies,...