On February 23, 2011, Dr. Carole Mars, Electronics Sector Coordinator, presented the status of The Sustainability Consortium and the work of the electronics sector at the iNEMI Environmental Leaders Conference 2011. Also presenting to the group were Drs. Randy Kirchain and Elsa Olivetti of MIT, whose work on simplified LCA methodology (the PAIA project) is the basis for ESWG baseline model. Corporate members presenting at the conference included Intel and UL-Environment.
The Environmental Leaders Conference brings together leaders from corporations, universities and government agencies to share their experiences and discuss future plans for a sustainable future in electronics development and manufacturing. In addition to presentations from external organizations, the conference provided a venue for updates and status reports on the variety of sustainable electronics initiatives underway within iNEMI.
The International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) is an industry-led consortium whose mission is to assure leadership of the global electronics manufacturing supply chain. With a membership that includes approximately 70 electronics manufacturers, suppliers, associations, government agencies and universities, iNEMI provides an environment in which partners and competitors alike can collectively anticipate future technology and business needs and effectively develop collaborative courses of action to meet those needs.
More information available at www.inemi.org.