Unlock Sustainability Insights from Complex Supply Chains

CommodityMap Tool and Program

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Use geospatial analytics to predict environmental and social priorities in agricultural supply chains with CommodityMap!

CommodityMap gives you insight on environmental and social sustainability issues associated with your agricultural sourcing regions. You can perform an analysis today even if you only know the country into which your commodity is imported!

CommodityMap will:

  • Help you prioritize your efforts to address environmental and social priorities
  • Recommend science-based actions that offer solutions and context to your biggest issues
  • Help you educate and engage your audience with easy to interpret metrics

Key Benefits

Insights without
Data Collection

Science-based Recommendations

Educate and Engage
Your Audiences

Gain Insight and Prioritize Action

TSC’s THESIS data show that companies struggle to document and map their supply chain origins. Only 8% of nearly 800 suppliers have transparency to the farm. The majority of food and beverage companies using THESIS do not even know the country of origin for their product supply chains. Ending deforestation, slave labor, and decarbonizing agriculture and forest supply chains hinges on companies knowing where their supply chains originate.

Christy Slay

CEO, The Sustainability Consortium

“Before 2020, Norcom’s supply chain had a high degree of visibility. Everything changed during the pandemic, which forced us to source raw materials from regions with little transparency. Norcom connected with TSC’s Commodity Mapping Team to develop a map for our areas of interest, and they far outperformed our expectations!
When TSC completed the mapping, it was interesting that all the Aggregate Scores were good. However, the tool homed in on individual metrics, and there was usually one high-risk issue area (biodiversity, child labor, etc.).
The result was that Norcom was able to quickly determine risks for each region and launch risk mitigation programs tailored to the resulting hot spots. I highly recommend this tool because it encompasses a multitude of risks in one comprehensive tool, is easy to use, and allows you to zero in on potential problems.”
Dee Andrews

Director of Government, Environmental, and Corporate Affairs, Norcom

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Analysis View

We’ve re-designed our analysis view to simplify the display and make it even easier to get insights at a glance. In addition to our simplified high, medium, low scoring system, we have added a ‘Your data’ score to show you where more granularity could improve the precision of your scores and a ‘Your actions’ score to indicate supplies that you’ve acted on. 


Our new recommendation system links to the Action Recommendations and Improvement Opportunities in THESIS guidance to give you science-based and commodity-specific next steps to gain transparency and mitigate issues with medium or high-priority scores. 


Our new resources feature also recommends science-based content from our THESIS platform in the form of educational resources like standards, tools, definitions and relevant certifications, all specific to your commodity and the issues identified in your analysis. 

Comparison View

The new comparison feature allows you to load individual supplies from across different analyses. Use this tool to look across multiple analyses, bringing individual supplies to a common frame. 


Ready to Explore CommodityMap? Get Started Now!

This work and the CommodityMap platform were made possible through funding by the Walmart Foundation.