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Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Day 1

1:00 PM to 1:20 PM 

2025 Kickoff and Q&A

Leadership Insights: Navigating Change and Creating Impact in Today’s World


Christy Slay, TSC 

Alice Walton, Founder, Alice L. Walton  Foundation 

Rob Bigelow, Crystal Bridges

1:20 PM to 1:25 PM 

Opening Day Remarks

Our place in time and your opportunity during TSC Summit 2025.


Christy Slay, TSC


1:25 PM to 2:00 PM 

The Current State of the Union in US Agricultural Policy and Implications for Food Systems

U.S. agricultural policy is undergoing drastic changes that impact farmers, food systems, retailers and conservation efforts such as regenerative agriculture.  Dr. Merrigan will cover the top 5 policy changes that will impact U.S. food systems and how those changes impact business.  She will also discuss opportunities for the private sector to step in with government funding changes.  


Kathleen Merrigan, Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems, ASU

2:00 PM to 2:30 PM 

EU Agricultural Policy and Implications for Food Systems

The EU is experiencing pushback for regulation, especially CSRD, EUDR and CSDDD. While well-intentioned and progressive these regulations still have some open ends on how to implement in practice.  On the other hand, the new Agri & Food vision of the European Commission proposes a benchmarking system for farmers where every farm in Europe would have a harmonized set of sustainability indicators for farm management and incentive creation. The system could also be the base for consumer communication.  Monitoring farm level performance enables public/private sector incentives at a large scale.  Koen will provide several examples including the Origin Green program that has accomplished farm level assessments on every farm in Ireland and an advanced sustainability incentive system for nearly all Dutch dairy farmers. 


Koen Boone, TSC

2:30 PM to 3:00 PM 

Wicked Issues and Opportunities in Agri-Food Supply Chains

What are the most pressing “wicked issues” and opportunities in agri-food supply chains that companies are facing today and how are they tackling them? 


Daryl Sabourin, ASR

Steven Wall, Syngenta

Josh VanDeWalle, Bayer

Michelle Zackin, Walmart



3:00 PM to 3:30 PM 

Visit TSC Summit Sponsor Tables

3:30 PM to 4:30 PM 

Ag Metrics Wicked Issues: Discussion Breakout Sessions

How to account for living systems in food supply chains? (Daryl Sabourin, Steven Wall, Michelle Zackin, Josh VanDeWalle) 

4:30 PM to 5:00 PM 

Report Outs and Wrap up

Welcome Activities

5:00 PM to 6:00 PM 

Guided Walk to Welcome Reception

TSC Staff lead a walking group to Bar Kapu at Motto, the official hotel of TSC Summit 2025. Relax and unwind after a great afternoon of content and art! 

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 

TSC Welcome Reception Sponsored by Verogy

Join TSC members, staff and friends at Bar Kapu and craft some connections and good spirit, thanks to our friend and TSC member, Verogy 

Thursday, April 10, 2025

Day 2

7:00 AM to 8:00 AM

Bike Ride

Join TSC staff on a bike ride through the local bike trails, beginner though advanced skills welcomed. 


Sunny Schlesinger, TSC

8:30 AM to 9:30 AM


9:30 AM to 9:55 AM

Welcome and 2024 TSC Insights

Join TSC’s CEO Christy Slay for 2024 reflections and new direction for 2025 and beyond regarding TSC’s mission to make all products sustainable through our strategy to advance science, enable decision making and support positive impact. This session will include insights from THESIS 2024 data, our findings and plans for future collective action work and opportunities in research through our partnership with Arizona State University. 


Christy Slay, TSC

9:55 AM to 10:30 AM

Turning Carbon Tracking Into Climate Action

As businesses move beyond reporting to reducing emissions, learn how a coalition of scientists, activists, and tech companies is using satellite imagery, big data, and AI to not only monitor global emissions in real time—but also to drive faster, smarter interventions. Hear how organizations are using this powerful, free, global tool to prioritize actions that align with business strategy.  


Eric Nguyen, Climate TRACE

10:30 AM to 11:05 AM

Collaboration in Supply Chains: How Retailers are Partnering with Suppliers to Drive Sustainability

This panel will explore how retailers are collaborating with suppliers to drive sustainability. Topics include aligning retailer and supplier commitments, transparency around Scope 3 emissions, enabling suppliers with education and training opportunities, and partnering on projects to achieve positive impacts. It will also cover challenges and opportunities in data collection and sharing, and the need for consistent sustainability metrics. 


Christy Slay, TSC


Ron Voglewede, Walmart

Mark Eastham, Ahold Delhaize USA

Jessica Patel, ALDI Inc.

11:05 AM to 11:30 AM

Impact Beneath the Metrics: Place-Based Sustainability in Action

Moving beyond global frameworks, organizations are creating measurable environmental impact through local initiatives. Panelists will demonstrate how they translate corporate commitments into locally relevant projects that address specific community and ecosystem needs. Attendees will gain practical insights into effective approaches that complement standard reporting and drive tangible results. 


Jennifer Park, TSC  


Diego Borrego, AlEn

Jeff Hanratty, Ducks Unlimited  

Ryan Adams, Nutrien Ag Solutions


11:30 AM to 11:45 AM

Networking Break

11:45 AM to 12:15 PM

What's Next in Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

Retailers and suppliers are looking to product level footprinting to incorporate GHGs into business decision making and reporting.  How can businesses be empowered with sustainability data at the product level without the burden of more data collection? What is coming next in the future of GHG emissions reporting for retailers and suppliers? 


Erin Killeen, TSC


David Tulauskas, Earnest & Young

Rhys Poirier, Sphera

Austin Simms, Dayrize

Kevin Dooley, TSC


12:15 AM to 12:45 PM

Driving Sustainable Packaging through Innovation and Collaboration

Join us for a dynamic conversation on advancements, opportunities, and challenges in sustainable packaging. Hear how businesses across the value chain are innovating and collaborating to reduce waste and drive circularity while meeting the needs of their customers and adhering to changing regulatory requirements. 


Kellie Alvarado, Anchor Packaging

Kristina Lambros, NicePak

Zack Patterson, ExxonMobil Product Solutions 

Kevin Dooley, TSC

12:45 PM to 1:40 PM


1:40 PM to 4:45 PM

Kaws Exhibit

Each TSC Summit guest will have an opportunity to visit Crystal Bridges Special Exhibit: 

1:40 PM to 4:45 PM

The Amazeum: Building on the Unknown

Embrace creative thinking together as leaders from The Amazeum’s Tinker Lab, Arizona State University’s Luminosity Lab and innovation experts from 8th & Walton lead us through the discomfort of solving for the unknown. 


Sam Dean, Scott Family Amazeum

Meg Benedetti, Scott Family Amazeum
Jeff Clapper, 8th & Walton
Jasmine Amoako-Agyei, The Luminosity Lab
Grace Reiter, The Luminosity Lab



6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

TSC Members' Celebration and Awards

Celebrate the achievements of our outstanding members while enjoying a reception filled with networking, good company, and well-deserved accolades with the backdrop of a stunning art museum. The galleries of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art will be open (see Rosie the Riveter and more!). It’s a time to honor excellence and strengthen connections within our TSC member community – Cheers! 


Christy Slay, TSC

Carolyn Baltz, TSC



Friday, April 11, 2025

Day 3

7:30 AM to 8:30 AM

Bird Walk on Crystal Bridges Trails

Boost your creativity, improve attention, and lower stress as you immerse yourself outdoors on a guided bird and nature walk led by three local expert birders. Discover the sights and sounds of migrating songbirds while learning how to observe nature and use tools that support citizen science. This accessible walk follows a short, paved trail through native Ozark forests, blooming wildflowers, and bubbling streams on the grounds of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Binoculars provided on a first come first serve basis (15 pairs). All ability levels are welcome!  

Bird Walking Hosts:

Christy Slay, TSC 

Chris Randle, TSC 

Mike Slay, The Nature Conservancy 

Mitchell Pruitt, University of Arkansas 

8:30 AM to 9:30 AM


9:35 AM to 9:45 AM

Welcome Day 2

Welcome and the day ahead and reflections on field trips.  


Christy Slay, TSC

9:40 AM to 11:00 AM

Moving Forward in Uncertainty

Learn and implement TSC’s Sustainability Leadership Institute thought modeling to embrace moving forward in uncertainty 


Jen Park, TSC

11:00 AM to 11:15 AM

Networking Break

11:15 AM to 12:15 PM

Arizona State University Luminosity Lab

Luminosity Lab workshop expanding on yesterday’s Tinker Lab experience.  


Arizona State University’s Luminosity Lab 

12:15 PM to 12:30 PM

TSC Summit 2025 Concludes

Yearly send-off, where to go from here, thank you for member and sponsor support 


Christy Slay, TSC


Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art – Bentonville, Arkansas

600 Museum Way, Bentonville, AR 72712

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Speaking Opportunities

If you are interested in being a speaker at TSC Summit 2025 fill out this form: Speaker Request Form



Are you interested in sponsoring TSC Summit 2025? Click here.

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General Inquiries

For general questions or comments about the Summit contact: Megan Simone