The Duke Corporate Sustainability Initiative with Cambridge University and the Systems Working Group are convening a special two-day event for representatives of the various governmental and industry-led efforts to measure, report, communicate and regulate the sustainability of consumer products throughout the supply chain.
The meeting is intended to provide the community of interested organizations an opportunity to learn about each of these emerging efforts. The objective is to facilitate a dialogue on the scope, time frames, measurement and reporting requirements of these various voluntary and mandatory initiatives, and to explore and discuss their commonalities in order to identify potential synergies and systems needs for data management, research, and communication to consumers.
The invited presenters include:
General Services Administration (Section 13 initiatives) US Environmental Protection Agency (Green Products initiative) Outdoor Industry Association (Eco-Index) Federal Trade Commission (Green Guides) US Security Exchange Commission Nike (Considered Design) Sustainability Consortium (SMRS Process) US Department of Agriculture (Life Cycle Inventory Initiative) US Department of Energy (Greening Supply Chain) Duke University (Discussions on a National Systems Database for Product Sustainability) As well multiple companies presenting on their evaluation/measurement/index efforts in comparison with broader coalition efforts.
When: January 26 and 27th (ending by 2 pm), 2010
Contact: Danielle Mondro